baby logo design

Make a kids logo in 5 minutes!

Make a logo online for a kindergarten, clothing store, children's toys, merchandise, center, stroller store, and more. After the logo, you can create a corporate identity and brand book

Get inspired by kids logos

kids logo

Kids Logo

Well, my adults :) It seems that the creation of a logo for children’s goods and services is quite simple, namely, you can just take all the colors of the rainbow, a funny font, some colored balls, trinkets, and the job is done, isn't it? No, things are not all so easy, because your clients are not children, but the adults who try to choose and buy something useful for their children, and it is worth considering.

You have probably visited many websites with baby goods, so you already know that such resources have very childish design and too bright colors. But although your task is to create a kids logo, it is still worth holding back such kind of “creativity” a little.

how to create a logo

How to make a kids logo?

This sphere is ruled by emotions, so we shall focus on them. Here are some simple criteria for a good kids logo:

1. Readability

As mentioned above, there is no use to give way to the “childish mood” and take poorly readable fonts for the logo. Of course, they can be “cute” or “handwritten”, but the name should be readable even from a long distance.

2. Goodwill

In our opinion, this is an important association that a kids logo should evoke. It is the same as relationships with people. We do not expect anything good from anyone with hostile eyes, but if a person talks politely and smiles, we are ready to cooperate with him.

3. Trust

The logo is both a presentation of your business and the company’s image. Looking at the logo, we reflexively feel the company's attitude to the client, especially when it comes to our children. For the logo to be credible, avoid pretentiousness, obscure shapes, and gloomy or hyper-bright color combinations.

You can create a logo with the help of our service. Choose your logo thinking about children, but remember that the choice to use the services or products of your company is made by the adults.

choosing the right sign

Choosing the right image for a brand

If you provide the services of a kindergarten or sell buggies for babies, it is not necessary to show exactly the “house” or “baby buggy” in the brand. You can reflect the key product in the logo in other ways, namely, you can use the image of the house but think of some original form and an interesting idea regarding this image; you can also choose a more abstract sign that will evoke positive emotions, such as trust, joy, development, etc.

Choose a logo “with your heart and soul”, and create your logo on our website. If you still haven’t chosen the logo name, our free name generator will help you.
