Make A Corporate Envelope


What is a corporate envelope?

Envelopes for incoming and outgoing documentation is an important part of corporate design. Along with the logo, the corporate design gives accent to the status of the company, its image and awareness. A few years ago, the trend was to order a corporate design in design studios. But today you can use the envelope design tool. It is easier, faster and lower in cost.

A unique design of envelopes, business cards and forms make the company authentic. It is the possibility for you to stand out among competitors, to send a message of the scale and the seriousness of the company. Your own form. Your own envelope. Your own business cards. It is the part of corporate marketing, which to a great extent determines the success of the company. At least - in the minds of potential clients.


The advantages and potential of the envelope design tool

  • First and foremost, you do everything yourself. This is a common problem: you have one way of looking at the project, and the designer has another. And even the top experts sometimes cannot present to you the desired result. But with the design tool, you control every detail of the project yourself.
  • The second advantage is cost-effectiveness. Elements of corporate design is a separate line of the price. Work with the service requires significantly lower costs. This is a real saving of budget of the company.
  • The third point is efficiency. You can make your logo and envelope in 5 clicks after spending some time on choosing images, fonts and colors. In studios it takes 10 days. And “correction” on the project according to the final requirements takes even more time.
  • You do not need the art education. And the ability to work with the graphic editors is not necessary as well. In the design tool you already have everything you need. Images of professional artists. Fonts and color schemes selected by professional designers.
  • At that you get the unique corporate design, which solves the main task - the originality of the company. Its ability to stand out.

Creating the envelope with the logo of the company by yourself is more profitable. It saves time, budget and nerves. You can work at any time convenient for you and with anyone you want. You can also invite colleagues to help.

Your own branded envelope with Genlogo!


Where to begin?

Creating an envelope online using our service has several advantages. All images and graphic elements are the work of our designers. The same goes for fonts and color schemes. All this is chosen manually by the experienced artists.

The interface of our service is user-friendly and objectively convenient. Catalogs include hundreds of images and options. You can combine them as you like. The correction of the project by the designer is the additional service. But we do not impose anything. You decide yourself if you need the additional assistance or not.

The choice of the tariff and terms of cooperation is yours. Property rights of use the logo and design are transferred to you. We also provide advices on any issues.

All you need to make an envelope online with Genlogo is the desire to develop your company corporate design by yourself. We provide all the necessary tools for it.

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